Education Steering Committee

Purpose: To prepare the Association’s school objectives, and curricula for the operations school, intermediate school, advanced/senior school, licensing school, or any other related school offered to the Member states.
Chair: John Bishop (HI)
Board Liaison: Mark Hastie (MN)
Members: Sabrina Brown (MD), Emily Frazier (NC), Paul Giovanetti (SD), Patrick Hunt (VA), Adam Johnson (WA), and Rick Posey (CA), Antonio Young (CO).

Examination Standards Committee

Purpose: To standardize joint examination processes to include a uniform document request list, a uniform work program, and a uniform ratings system in order to promote consistency among the states in examination procedures and documentation and assessment of examination findings.
Chair: Craig Kaiser (OH)
Board Liaison: Ryan Seals (CO)
John Bishop (HI),  Emily Frazier (NC), Patrick Hunt (VA), Adam Johnson (WA), Grissel Molina (TX), Rick Posey (CA), Shahid Salehjee (CA)

Communications Committee

Purpose: To promote the effective and timely exchange of information among the states and jurisdictions that have regulatory responsibility for money transmitter businesses.
Chair: Karyn Tierney (AR)
Members: Christopher Pope (MA). Ethan McLaughlin (VT)

Licensing/Emerging Issues Committee

Purpose: To lead and organize bimonthly calls to member states with discussions on various licensing issues. Can include calls on transition to NMLS licensing system. The committee’s charge may include developing best practice application standards. As needed, this committee also discusses unlicensed activity or processes, new and unfamiliar industry practices or any new industry trend.
These calls are confidential.  Only members who have signed the MTRA Cooperative Agreement are invited to join the calls and to place companies to discuss on the agenda.
Chair: Jessica Kowalik (CO)
Co Chair: Bailey Burghart (KS)
Board Liaison: Ryan Seals (CO)
Core Committee: Maureen Camp (WA), Kari Jacobson (WA), Kelley Reed (VT), Nancy Schreiber (WI)
Members: All state members participating on the calls.

Licensing Education Subcommittee

Purpose: To prepare the Association’s school objectives, and curricula for any licensing schools/trainings. Gives recommendations to the Education Steering Committee.
: Jessica Kowalik (CO)
Co Chair: Bailey Burghart (KS)
Board Liaison: Ingrid White (OH)
Members: Paul Giovanetti (SD), Melissa Knoepfler (MN), Edwina Oliveira (HI), Norman Real (ID), Kelley Reed (VT), Mike Sabula (OH), Nancy Schreiber (WI), Tom Stevens (AK)

Finance/Audit Committee

Purpose: To prepare the association’s budget, recommend an outside auditor and review the annual audit. Make all recommendations to the Board. Committee will consist of Board members only, including the Treasurer.  The Treasurer chairs the Committee.
Board Members: Treasurer Kirsten Anderson (OR), Chris Pope (MA), Karyn Tierney (AR), Mark Hastie (MN).

Nominating Committee

Purpose: To search for candidates when there are vacancies on the Board of Directors and to nominate directors bi-annually for election. Make all recommendations to the Board. This committee shall have three members per the Bylaws. Committee will consist of Board members only.
Chair: Karyn Tierney (AR)
Members: Chris Pope (MA), Kirsten Anderson (OR)

Scholarship Committee (Nanette Smith Memorial Training Scholarships)

Purpose: To develop scholarship criteria and required qualifications; review scholarship applications and recommend candidates to the Board. Committee will consist of Board members only.
Board Members: Stephanie White (NC), Ryan Seals (CO), Ethan McLaughlin (VT).

Other Committees

Multi-State MSB Examination Taskforce (MMET) is the state representative body charged with coordinating and facilitating multi-state supervision of money services businesses (MSBs). More information can be found here.

MSB Supervisory Engagement Taskforce (M-SET) a joint MTRA/CSBS taskforce created to monitor money services businesses and coordinate actions on a nationwide scale. The following states serve on the M-SET
MTRA Appointees:  Arkansas, Ohio, Oregon, Massachusetts
CSBS Appointees: Texas (chair),  New York, Washington, Vermont

State Coordinating Committee (SCC) is comprised of two representatives from each of the six state financial regulatory associations (AARMR, CSBS, MTRA, NACCA, NACARA and NASCUS.) MTRA is represented by Ingrid White (OH) and Jesse Saucillo (TX).

NMLS Policy Committee is comprised of a representative from each district and from each of the affiliated financial regulatory agencies.  Rick St. Onge (WA) represents MTRA.

CSBS Performance Standards Committee sets the standards for CSBS Accreditation Programs. Rick St. Onge (WA) represents MTRA.

CSBS Education Foundation. Ingrid White (OH) represents MTRA.